William O'Neil + Co. Incorporated

Global Focus List

Our research on global markets is not typical. Our Global Focus List puts a team of more than 40 country and regional specialists, combing 70,000 equities in your camp daily, delivering bullish and bearish ideas for emerging, developed, and frontier markets. That scale is possible because of our large team, our method, and our collaborative research process, purposely fitted with checks and balances that create a strong consistency in our ideas. Bottom line: We don't miss much.

Each market edition of the Global Focus List, Developed, Emerging, Frontier, and European Focus List supplies two-page spreads on every stock of interest on a weekly basis. On the left side of the book we publish the stock’s story, including when we recommended it and our rationale, and on the right side a full page Datagraph of the stock. The Emerging, Developed, and European publications offer mostly long recommendations on large mid-cap companies; the Frontier edition’s long recommendations include small-cap companies. We’ve identified these stocks using a bottom-up approach.

Market Indices Summary

Sample Lists, By Country, Sector, Company Name

Sample List allocation by Market Cap or Sector

Sample book page spread for a listed stock

Sample Story page on a Stock

Sample right side page on a Stock