Our Datagraph™ format was trademarked in 1972 as a wholly original graphical presentation of the stock variables most critical to performance according to historical precedent. After nearly 40 years of evolution, our Datagraphs today present a perfected blend of fundamental and technical data, aggregated into a time-saving, single view that allows our clients to efficiently assess relevant metrics on any company. Datagraphs also convey a range of other critical information, such as an earnings line and institutional sponsorship, and our Proprietary Ratings and Rankings. To recreate all the information they contain would involve hours and hours of research using dozens of sources.
But the time-tested composition of the Datagraph format is only half the story. They are built from the exceptionally accurate and up-to-date data in our proprietary O'Neil Database™, which has a story all its own.
View How To Read Datagraphs (pdf).
Datagraph Quick Reference